Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Short One -- Escalators

Why is it that the minute people see stairs that move they automatically think, "Yay! A ride!"? They are there to make going up and down more efficient. By not walking on them, people are actually going slower than it takes to walk up a regular staircase. Is walking that taxing that people need to take a breather? Don't people like the the feeling of ascending and descending quickly? It makes you feel like you are a superfast superhero, if only briefly.

There are circumstances to not walk on an escalator. If you are old or injured. If you have a heavy or unwieldy object to carry. That's about it. The worst is at sporting events where massive human traffic congestion is epidemic. The faster people move up the escalator, the less standing around in a crowd.

Sadly, I'm in the minority on this. So, at the very least, if you see me on an escalator, have the decency to stand to the side and let me pass. I've got places to be.

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