Friday, November 25, 2011

Top Ten Presidential Names

A while ago, I tweeted that I don't think that people appreciate how awesome the name "Barack Obama" is, regardless of politics. It has a great flow, and miss of hard and soft sounds, and just sounds like a powerful name. This made me think about the names of other presidents. The most common are:
George (3)
John (4)
James (5... though 6 if we include Jimmy Carter)

Those may be the most frequently occurring names, but most of the names of our presidents have been horribly conventional. This is my list of the best presidential monikers. I tried my best to divorce politics from the equation, but I'm blessed with a lack of intimate knowledge of some of these people. 

1. Barack Obama
File:Official portrait of Barack Obama.jpg

2. Rutherford B. Hayes

3. Ulysses S. Grant

4. Millard Fillmore
(the only president to have consecutive consonants, maybe even letters, in his first and last name)
File:Millard Fillmore by George PA Healy, 1857.jpg

5. Grover Cleveland
File:Grover Cleveland portrait2.jpg

6. Theodore Roosevelt
(may rank so high because I can't divorce his awesomeness from his name)

7. Martin van Buren

8. Abraham Lincoln

9. Chester A. Arthur
File:Chester A Arthur by Daniel Huntington.jpeg

10. Dwight D. Eisenhower
File:Dwight D. Eisenhower, official Presidential portrait.jpg

Lesson taken from this list: Including your middle initial goes along to making your name sound badass.

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