Tuesday, March 27, 2012

CNN, Sexism, and Chocolate

I bring you this quote from a CNN Health article without comment:

It's every woman's dream: could chocolate, the substance that cures everything from PMS to heartbreak,  also make you skinnier?
If true, there's got to be a catch, right?

OK, one comment: Women be lovin' chocolate!

OK, another one: Does Jacques Wilson get his notions of gender identities from the funny pages? There is so much that annoys me about the above quote, that I don't know if I have the patience to delve into it. But I will say that chocolate is always good and both genders enjoy it, whether medicinally (as Wilson suggests) or recreationally.

Jacques Wilson, you're a douche and I'm sat that you're being paid by CNN to write such ignorant stuff.

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