Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Useless Exploration

I really hate articles based on false premises. The writers who do this must realize that they are reaching. Maybe they do it to try to get readers by talking about something that's currently popular. That's the only excuse for writing an article with a headline like this:

Why 'Hunger' soared; 'Carter' bombed

Is it not obvious? What more is there to say aside from the fact that The Hunger Games is a movie based on insanely popular books with a rabid fan-base that crosses both gender and age divides while John Carter is based on novels from the early 20th century that I'm sure most people are unfamiliar with (I know I was)?

There's no need to write more than that. There's no need to write any of that because it should be clear to all parties that The Hunger Games was going to be huge and that John Carter was a risk. Do we need to explore why the Twilight movies are popular? How about Harry Potter? The only people I know who were familiar with John Carter before the movie's release are massive sci-fi geeks.

This is not a mystery.


  1. Oh God. I'm a massive sci-fi geek. (kicks pebble and sighs)

  2. We still love you @Melbotis...

    Nate - I'm going to refer you to this comic I saw the other day:
