Sunday, May 24, 2009


Sorry I haven't written for a while. The structure left my life once school ended. Then friends and family visited and graduation happened and before I knew it, I had no routine anymore. Hell, I haven't even been reading. For some reason, my priorities became not doing anything, which is weird because even during school I wasn't doing much. Went to classes and wrote a grand total of 4 papers. Pretty lame on my part.

But at least now I won't get mad at my favorite bloggers or Harry Knowles for having not having anticipated updates when they say they will (Knowles is particularly bad with his DVD release column). And now I'm being forced to structure a completely unstructured life, so there's that. Going to review some films, maybe even right about Netflix films I watch on here instead of just sitting around after watching one. And maybe I'll get a temp job for the summer. The temptation to do nothing all day and stay out late at night is too much. I need to be reigned in.

It makes complete sense why the super-wealthy either need to continue to work or end up getting in trouble. There isn't much middle ground. Money and free time is definitely a recipe for disaster. Fun, but disaster.

So this is my promise to you, my loyal 7 followers. I will have at least 4 updates a week of something that is moderately thought out (unlike this, which is mildly thought out). On top of that, I hope to share things of whimsy without much comment. Maybe even some more of my hypotheticals that keep me up at night.

As a reward for putting up with my laziness, here is a old but classic video of Kirk Cameron waxing on about the banana and the real facts. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I always thought these could be incredibly fun to spoof, but I never made much effort towards it.
