Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Super-Moon and Me

As I was leaving work after midnight with my coworker and all-around nice guy, Matt, we came to the alley that signifies our separation. He walks just a few blocks home to the east, and I ride my bike five miles south. Tonight, May 5th, offered us a glimpse of the super-moon, notable because it was clear skies so we could see it and that it wasn't some giant Occupy protest in which thousands of people dropped their pants in unison as I suspected the "super-moon" might be. It was nice to see, it didn't look substantially different (sadly, we didn't experience anything like this... stupid telephoto lenses that I don't have...).

We parted ways and I began a very peaceful and beautiful ride home. The super-moon guided my way south and even though there were street lights, I have little doubt it would have supplied enough light for me without them. The temperature was a brisk 49 degrees and the combination of the clear sky and crisp air drew my memories back to my years in the mid-Atlantic and New England. More specifically, the fall, my favorite time of year. I miss a lot about Boston and Harrisburg, but fall is in the top ten.

We don't get many days that feel like fall on the East Coast and my mind recalled many great moments as I rode my bike. Night baseball in September in Boston. Geology field trips to New England and New York. Cool evenings by the fire in my parents' backyard. The super-moon brought piece and reflection to me this night. Unfortunately, the spell was broken as I entered back into civilization. I approached Hawthorne and the sounds of shout-flirting echoed through the air. Cinqo de Mayo revelers were out in droves and traffic picked up substantially (many of the drivers I'm sure were tipsy, at the least). My guard went up and I couldn't recapture the serenity of my super-moon ride. I only wish I'd taken more time to enjoy it (though I'm sure Andrea is happy that I didn't as it was getting awfully late and my phone had died).

So thank you, super-moon. I had a lovely time with you while it lasted.

Super-moon. Not pictured: cape

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